If internet speed is problematic, you can start with the video-enabled mode. You can have an introduction, and say ahead of time that you may be experiencing connectivity issues, but you wanted to be able to meet face-to-face first. We heard about Krisp through a professional connection, and as it turns out, remote interview process is an app that cancels background noise with the click of a button and a free trial. See more about Zoom and meeting apps in our guide to staying connected as a remote worker or while working from home. I set up a Google Meet invitation called “Test,” and then we both attended, seeing how it sounded and looked.

what is remote interview

Throughout the call, make good eye contact and nod your head periodically, so your interviewee knows you’re actively listening. If you want to go the extra mile, you can even virtually mirror their words. Distractions can ruin the flow of an interview and even prevent you from getting the information you need to make a decision. So, before hopping on a video call, eliminate distractions by finding a private area to talk, whether that’s your employer’s conference room or a home office. And if other members of your team will be participating in the interview, it’s a good idea to verify that you have the correct permissions to add them to the call.

Tell Me About a Time When You Had a Conflict With a Coworker.

After ten years we finally got the hang of it, and created a guide about it, for you to check. So, during these days, it’s the perfect opportunity to set up meetings with them, explain how things work in the company, set up your expectations, and try to keep things as clear as possible. Online interviews should always be with the camera on; that way, you can establish a deeper connection with candidates instead of just talking like if you were a robot. Also, don’t try to mimic the onsite experience online, because honestly, it’s impossible. Instead of trying to emulate reality digitally, embrace the new virtual setting. Don’t worry we’ve got you covered, check out our article on the 5 software options for video interviews to learn more. A remote interview occurs when the interviewer and the interviewee are not in the same geographical location.

Every candidate, whether successful or unsuccessful, deserves to be kept in the loop. Highlight instances when you made yourself accessible and responsive to coworkers, bosses, and clients. Give concrete examples of what you did using the STAR Method, what technology you used, and how you solved the problem.

When It’s “Go Time”

At DistantJob, as expert recruiters, we are also expert IT headhunters. If you haven’t heard this term before, don’t be scared, we are not going to take your head off. According to the Cambridge dictionary, headhunting means ‘’To persuade someone to leave their job by offering that person another job with more pay and a higher position’’. You don’t want a call transferred to you in the middle of the session interrupting the flow of the interview. Before starting the interview, close all unnecessary tabs on your computer, these can slow down your browser and interfere with video quality and stability.